zaterdag 17 mei 2008 5 Reacties Humor

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5 Reacties

  1. insure cars

    "That the US will attack Israel if it threatens it's relations with the Arab world in any way."A rather cynical assesment…but I believe you're right — if B. HUSSEIN Obama is still president.However, if your prediction ever comes to fruition – regardless of who's pres. – we can kiss our a$$ goodbye as a nation. God in heaven forbid it!!

  2. cheap car insrance in KS

    grand… !!!.. I have one thought.. knowledge is probably a quantum event .. not a continuous one.. so.. big leaps in ‘knowing will happen at certain experiences.. like experimenting… the present school system.. shuns this aspect.. and rote … continuous method leads to just…. u know what..  If learning is experience oriented .. just like it used to be in ancient times… then knowledge will be the target and way.. both. sadhana and sadhya.. ! just like old times..

  3. kredit ohne auskunft schweiz

    That’s a brilliant answer to an interesting question


    Heh heh…..don’t miss those days. The guy who put his face through the step is a keeper. Well the urinal deserves some applause as well.Poor fellas, I almost feel sorry for them…..almost. LOL!

  5. Mattie

    Será que existe amor entre homem e uma mulher? Queria acreditar mas estou tão deidiulsda com relação aos homens, que não acredito mais. Só existe um amor verdadeiro que nunca acaba: o amor de Deus. Amor entre um casal é um conto de fadas, só em filmes ou novelas.

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